Council approves budget adjustments for DPD

Published 7:26 pm Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Demopolis City Council approved three budget adjustments for the Demopolis Police Department during Thursday’s council meeting.

Demopolis Police Chief Tommie Reese requested an adjustment for $500 after selling a car to the Faunsdale Police Department. He also needed to make an adjustment for some overtime worked during a blitz, as well as some overtime pay for security worked at Crossgates Apartments, which was a $4,500 reimbursement.

Also during the meeting, the council appointed Aliquippa Allen to the Marengo County Economic Development board. Several other board appointments needed to be made, but the council decided to delay those appointments until the next meeting.

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Fire Chief Tommy Tate requested permission to apply for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the department to buy a new fire engine.

Tate said one of the engines has been having a lot of maintenance problems lately, and that it’s 22 years old. The grant would require a five percent match from the city. Tate said the engine would cost around $400,000, so the cost to the city would be somewhere around $20,000, which the fire department has in its capital expenses.

The council also approved a resolution for the continuation of an agreement with the Alabama Department of Transportation for the maintenance of existing traffic signals and street lighting at the intersection of Highway 43 and Highway 80.

In other business, the council also approved a public assembly request for the Demopolis High School DECA Club for Saturday, Nov. 23 for their Thrive Downtown Demopolis event.

The council also heard a grievance hearing from DPD employee Sheila Rogers. She requested a raise from the city, citing language in section seven of the city handbook, which states that after 12 months of employment, a one-step pay raise or merit may be recommended. At the time of her 12 months of employment, Reese did recommend her to the council for this, but the city was not giving raises at that time, according to Mayor Mike Grayson.

After a 30-minute executive session, the council approved the raise for Rogers in a 4-2 vote. Mayor Mike Grayson and Bill Meador voted against the action.

The council rescheduled two meetings during Thursday’s meeting as well. Because of Christmas on the River, they voted to move that meeting to Monday, Dec. 2. They also voted to move the Jan. 2 meeting to Monday, Jan. 6 because of the New Year’s holiday.