City of Linden receives favorable audit report

Published 5:57 pm Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Linden City Council received their 2013 audit report Wednesday, and there were no inconsistent findings in the report.

Billy Cox from Aldridge, Borden and Company in Montgomery presented the report to the council during Wednesday’s council meeting. He said the city is doing well financially, and that he recommends if they have projects they want to move forward on, they can.

“I’m comfortable telling you to move forward on any projects you want to do,” he said. “You’re in good shape financially.”

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The city of Linden has $2.6 million in total net assets, and $736,000 of that is accessible for the city to conduct its business. The city also had a $97,000 surplus in funds in 2013.

Also during the meeting, Linden Police Chief Scott McClure said the city received a $122,000 fire grant from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program. There is only a five percent match required from the city, and the grant can be broken up into three parts.

The council voted to go ahead with the first part of the grant, which will be for new radios for the department. This portion of the grant is worth $11,820. The next part of the grant is for new gear for the department, which will be worth $75,000. The last part of the grant is for training, which will total $36,000.

The Linden Police Department also received an offer from their insurance company to purchase a car that was recently totaled for $21,280. The city approved the offer for the department to sell the car to the insurance company.

McClure also said he will send one of the department’s two Ford Crown Victoria vehicles to be refurbished. The cost to get the car refurbished will be between $10,000 and $15,000, and the car will receive a new crate motor, new drive train, new transmission and a new back end.

“It will be just like a new car when we get it back,” McClure said. “I want to try this with one and see how it works for us before we spend the money on the second one.”