Sweet Water band invited to perform at Gator Bowl
Published 10:36 am Friday, April 18, 2014

Sweet Water High School’s marching band has been invited to perform at the Taxslayer.com Gator Bowl in the upcoming football season.
Sweet Water High School’s marching band has been invited to perform at the Taxslayer.com Gator Bowl.
They were invited by WorldStrides Heritage Performance programs and will join marching bands from across the country in the halftime show finale of this major college bowl game. An invitation to perform at the Gator Bowl is an honor reserved only for the most talented student performers from across the nation.
Under the direction of Brandon Reburn, the Sweet Water High School marching band will travel to Jacksonville where they will rehearse with the mass band and learn from nationally acclaimed adjudicators. In their free time, they will take in the sights of Jacksonville.
Reburn will be personally leading the Sweet Water High School group of 50 students to Jacksonville.
“This ensemble had never performed in a marching competition before,” Reburn said. “This year was their first year competing and they left with two superior ratings and two excellent ratings. This is a Title I school and these students have to work hard and raise money for everything they do.”
This will be the Sweet Water High School Marching Band’s first overnight trip and bowl game performance.
Sweet Water High School will be collecting donations from anyone who would like to sponsor The Marching Bulldogs. All donations are tax deductible.
The names of the sponsors will be printed on the back of a shirt that all of the students and parents will wear while on the trip. Anyone who is interested in donating should email Reburn at breburn@marengo.k12.al.us.