Summer reading starts at DPL
Published 4:25 pm Wednesday, June 4, 2014

“The Professor” Patrick George shows children at The Demopolis Public Library how to create the sound of rain and thunder with claps and stomps.
It’s not too late to join in on the fun at the Demopolis Public Library.
On Monday, the Demopolis Public Library kicked off its Summer Reading programs with “Fizz, Boom, Read,” the children’s science-themed program.
Children’s Director Kelley Tarpley gave kids an overview of what they could expect throughout the summer, including story telling, clowns, animals, The Alabama Symphony, prizes and much more.
“It’s going to be a fun, fun summer,” Tarpley said.
Tarpley introduced “The Professor” Patrick George, a youth speaker and author, who performed science experiments to excite the curious eyes and minds before him.
The children responded to The Professor with enthusiasm as he showed them how to create the sound of rain and thunder with claps and stomps.
George showed the 90 children and parents in attendance how to get an egg inside of a milk jug without cracking it, how to stick a plastic straw through a potato and more science tricks.
“I’ve been blown away by how many children and parents we’ve had to come in and register in the past three days,” said Morgan Allen, library director. “The turn out today has been awesome.”
Last year, the children’s Summer Reading Program hosted 124 participants. Only three days into registration this year, the program is up to 181 participants.
Children are welcome to register for “Fizz, Boom, Read” up until Friday, June 13.
The Adult Summer Reading Program titled “Literary Elements” also began Monday. Anner Gray is in charge of the adult program and will be guiding readers as they solve the mysteries of the library.
On Monday, Gray gave participants several tasks to perform to test their knowledge of the library. Prizes were given to those who completed the task most efficiently.
For more information, visit the Demopolis Public Library or contact Library Director Morgan Allen at (334) 289-1595.