Demopolis BOE approves contracts as school year begins
Published 12:07 pm Tuesday, September 3, 2019
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The school year is off to a good start, Demopolis Superintendent Kyle Kallhoff said during last week’s meeting of the Board of Education.
Kallhoff said a few last-minute vacancies did arise, but that efforts to fill those vacancies are underway. One of those vacancies are for a fourth grade teacher at U.S. Jones Elementary. He said the school’s computer teacher, who is certified to teach fourth grade, would be teaching that class with the goal of finding a permanent replacement by the Christmas break.
The superintendent also reported that this year’s student attendance is down about 12 students from last year.
The board also approved revisions to the salary schedule for the system’s network administrator and approved a $5 per day raise for substitutes.
The board also discussed the following items.
• Approved a contract with Fleming Photography to provide photography at 30 school events. Most events will be sports related, according to Kallhoff, but added each school will choose other events to be photographed.
• Approved a contract with Shelton State Community College to provide dual enrollment classes.
• Approved a policy related to the supervision of low-risk sex offenders.
• Approved a resolution recognizing the U.S. Jones High School Class of 1969, who are celebrating their 50th class reunion this year.
The approved personnel report included the following items:
• Conditional Employment — Raven Simmons as special education aide, Jesse Miles as career prep teacher, and Molly Malone as a teacher at Westside Elementary.
• Resignations — Kianga Austin, fourth grade teacher at USJ; Roberta Michelle Edwards, DHS lunchroom manager; and TyReice Mack, first grade teacher at WES.
In his report, Kallhoff also reported those summer projects at Demopolis Middle School related to Americans With Disabilities Act compliance is nearing completion.
He added that the system is still looking at options in making needed repairs to the gym floor at DMS and that awning work would be done at U.S. Jones in September.
Only one bid was returned for asphalt work to be done on school campuses. Kallhoff said the goal is to get that work done over the Thanksgiving or Christmas break.
The board also established dates for budget hearings, which will be held on Sept. 10, at 9 a.m., and again on Sept. 16, at 5:15 p.m., which is the date of the next regular scheduled BOE meeting.
(This article originally appeared in the Wednesday, August 28 issue of the Demopolis Times.)