Start the school year off right

Published 5:14 pm Friday, August 4, 2023

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It is hard to believe that another summer vacation period has come and gone and students will be returning to classes next week.

The beginning of the school year is always filled with a myriad of emotions that range from excitement, nervousness, sadness, even disappointment. Excitement because it is the start of something new with different people and new places.

Nervousness because you are going into a new class or going to Kindergarten or college for the first time. Sadness, especially for young children and college freshman, who are taking huge steps in life without their parents being in close proximity. And disappointment because let’s be honest, who actually likes getting up at 6:00 a.m. every morning?

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Regardless of what emotions the first day of school brings on, the day will likely be a memorable one for many people. But a brand new school year can also be hectic if you are unprepared, so this column has a few tips to help students readjust to routines and help make the best of a new school year.

Getting plenty of sleep is one of the most important things to do and will definitely help mornings go more smoothly. Being well-rested will make getting up in the morning easier and will help with concentration in class.

Talking about first-week jitters is also a good way to make going back to school easier. It doesn’t matter how a student is, reassurance that being nervous is natural can be a big help. Even teachers can be nervous throughout the first week, especially new teachers. Talk to a trusted friend or adult about how you feel, because chances are they know exactly how to make you feel better.

For college freshman, try to be as prepared as possible before your classes start. Transitioning from high school to college can be a big change for students, with many moving away from family and friends for the first time. Look over your course schedule and make sure your textbooks and other supplies are in place. Being organized will help first day jitters.

Also for college freshman, be prepared to be treated like an adult. Look over your syllabus and commit deadlines to memory. Understand that mail, grades, and financial aid information will likely go to you and not your parents. Be ready to be responsible.

Go out there and make the 2023-2024 school year a great one!