Wellness Tips: Nine Healthy Substitutions for Everyday Foods

Published 1:00 pm Thursday, August 17, 2023

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By Betsy Adams, Wellness Center Director, Whitfield Regional Hospital

When it comes to cooking and baking there are easy (and tasty) heart-healthy substitutions you can incorporate in your daily meal preparation.  Substituting new foods for your tried-and-true staples might feel foreign at first.  But if you stick with it you will start to notice positive reactions from your body and even learn to love the taste.

Here are nine heart-healthy substitutions to try.

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Whole Wheat flour

Instead of white, processed flour try to incorporate whole-wheat flour into your baking. Because whole grains, like whole-wheat products, contain the entire grain, they are more fibrous than their white counterparts—and more likely to keep you full throughout the day. But before you swap, be sure to check the recipe, as the ratio may need to be adjusted.

This substitution applies to bread and pastas as well. Whole-wheat options at the grocery store have become more readily available, so next time you’re shopping be sure to explore your market’s selection. Not sure your family will embrace whole-wheat pasta or flour? Mix it in with white to get them acclimated. Your family won’t even notice.

Unsweetened applesauce

In many baking recipes, you can reduce the amount of saturated fat by substituting butter for fiber-filled, unsweetened applesauce—or any fruit puree—and canola oil. (Butter can be replaced with half canola oil and half puree.)

Greek yogurt

Delicious on its own, Greek yogurt can wear many hats. An easy, heart-healthy swap? Serve this naturally sour yogurt instead of sour cream. You’ll need one small container of nonfat yogurt and a lemon. Squeeze the lemon into the yogurt, stir and serve. This is an easy way to sneak digestion-aiding probiotics into your meals. Just be sure the yogurt you choose is all-natural, plain Greek—flavored and fruit-filled yogurts are full of extra sugars your body doesn’t need.


This green fruit gets a bad rap from time to time but is actually very good for you. Yes, it has a high fat content and yes, you should eat it in moderation (as you should most things), but avocados are full of the fats your heart needs to stay healthy. Try subbing the cheese or mayonnaise on your sandwich for a serving of avocado. You’ll get the creamy goodness you’re craving while your heart gets a healthy boost.

Ground Turkey

For chili, pasta sauce and burgers take a break from beef and try lean, ground turkey. Reducing your consumption of red meat is a serious step in reducing your chances of heart diseases (or a recurrence). If you’re worried your family will fret, work on mixing it in with ground beef over time.

Extra-virgin olive oil

This should be your main go-to fat for heart health. Used for sautéing and cooking, extra-virgin olive oil is a tasty, heart-healthy substitution for butter. Olive oil taste and price can range drastically, so buy the highest quality you can afford. It must, however, wear the “extra-virgin” label. It must be extra-virgin olive oil, or it won’t contain the antioxidants that come with the cold pressing.

Aside from the stovetop, extra-virgin olive oil is also a great replacement for creamy salad dressings. For an easy weeknight dressing mix balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a squeeze of a lemon, and salt and pepper. A good ratio for balsamic to oil is 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar.

Dark leafy greens

Heart-healthy greens like spinach, arugula, watercress, and kale can be used in place of greens like iceberg lettuce and romaine, which lack in important nutrients. As always, acclimation is key to long-term success, so if you or your family isn’t ready to commit to the dark stuff try mixing different greens in with lettuces you are comfortable with.

Skim Milk

If dairy is a regular part of your diet, consider subbing your daily dose for skim milk or fat-free half and half. Reduced fat or skim milk can also be used in place of heavy cream and whole milk when it comes to baking. If it fits into your routine, substitute dairy entirely for plant-based milks like soy, almond, and rice.

Egg whites

When it comes to baking, egg whites can generally replace the need for a whole egg. (But be sure to check your recipe as it can sometimes vary.) The ratio tends to be two egg whites to one egg.

In addition to baking, eggs can play a large part in our everyday eating. Love hardboiled egg in your salad? Losing the yolk cuts your cholesterol intake without cutting the flavor. If you’re concerned about waste, consider buying pourable egg-whites in a carton for easy omelets and cooking.

Your health throughout your life is BIG deal. Many diseases might be prevented by making the right choices.  You will be doing your body and your family a huge favor by making healthier choices when it comes to cooking and what you choose to eat.   These substitutions are a great place to start.