Following the Herd

Published 12:11 pm Friday, August 18, 2023

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Faith column written by Freda Reynolds

There is a commercial running that leads with the phrase “FOLLOW THE HERD.”

Am I following the “herd of culture” or do I follow the Shep-herd?

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Proverbs 14:12-16 “There is a way which seems right to a man. But the end thereof are the ways of death.”

My hubby loves reruns of Rawhide. It’s the cattle driving, cowboy, shoot’em, saloon drinking stories from the old west. Sometimes it seems to me like our world is like that cattle drive. The herd of cattle bunch together, running at anything that might spook them. In a stampede, they run in total confusion. All are running, stomping on anything that gets in their way.

Where am I going with this analogy? In our world, we see chaos just like the stampeding cattle. We seem to be driven by culture. Confusion, fear and stress are the result. We need someone to help us get through our daily world.

We need a Shepherd. We read in John 10:11, Jesus says of Himself, “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” It is my understanding that sheep cannot be driven. They are led! The leader must be a good shepherd. They know his voice and they follow him because he knows where they are headed. He knows the treacherous places, places where the enemy hides.

Following the shepherd is the only way to get through the world without the scars of the enemy. We will still have troubles, chaos, and pain at times. But we know the good shepherd is building our character, helping us to grow to be like Him.

What a great blessing it is when we are there for others along the way. We can shine the light of the good shepherd to show the way.