Demopolis Town Square fountain returns from renovations

Published 11:37 pm Monday, August 21, 2023

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The iconic town square fountain has returned from renovations and has been restored to its place in downtown Demopolis. Work crews reinstalled the fountain on Aug. 17.

“The fountain looks great. We’ve done some work on the plumbing out there that will hopefully help the fish to live a little longer,” said Mayor Woody Collins.

The fountain had been removed late last month and returned to the company that did its last restoration in 1995. The fountain was cleaned of rusting and rot, and now shines with a fresh coat of paint. Plumbing leading up to the fountain was also replaced.

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The restoration was funded through the Rebuild Alabama Fund and from funding the city received from an opioid lawsuit settlement.

The fountain was first installed in 1895 and has been a staple in downtown Demopolis ever since.