The Game of Life

Published 9:00 am Saturday, October 14, 2023

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By Freda Reynolds 

Did you ever start to play a game without understanding the rules? Frustrating isn’t it? When you were young maybe you had cousins or older friends who would change the rules of a game to make it more in their favor? It’s hard to play when the rules keep changing.

Unfortunately, that is what we find our culture and society doing now with God’s Word. If someone wants to interpret a scripture to meet their circumstances they have no problem changing the rules.

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God’s word is our guide for living a purpose filled life. It will give us comfort, instruction, correction and conviction when we get off on the wrong path. In the time of the Judges it is recorded that “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” We have become a nation and a people who are headed on the same path.

Judgment came to the nation of Israel for not following His Words. Judgment will come and may be here already for the manner in which we are handling God’s Word.

He has given us the guide. We can be game changers if we begin abiding in Him and following His voice? We are made for fellowship. Even in the garden, God walked with His friends daily in the cool of the evening.

The beginning step on the game board of life is to bow and agree with God we have been living according to our rules and our desires. Move forward one step. The next square says “read the manual given by the manufacturer.” Then follow where the guidebook leads you.

Power and Love will be given to accomplish whatever you’re asked to do. A life full of meaning with peace, joy and comfort to others around you.