Grant provides Marengo residents with weather radios

Published 2:17 pm Tuesday, November 28, 2023

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The Marengo County Commission has announced that nearly 400 Marengo County residents will receive new weather-band emergency radios at no cost, thanks to a grant and appropriated funds from the Commission.

Commissioner Freddie Armstead, Jr. announced that a $7,500 grant from the Ala-Tom RC&D, and a $2,500 appropriation from the Commission, allowed for the purchase of 382 weather radios that are to be distributed to Marengo County’s “most vulnerable citizens.” Armstead attributed the purchase to former Probate Judge, and current Ala-Tom RC&D Board Member, Cindy Nielson, who was instrumental in securing the funding.

The radios receive alerts from the U.S. National Weather Service such as severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, or flash floods. The Commission agreed to distribute the radios first to low-income residents who are exempt from solid waste fees.

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“I think they are probably our most vulnerable citizens that we have. We all understand that there are a lot of storms now, and they can be very violent,” said Armstead. “Many of our older citizens do not have any other communication once their TVs go out. So we want to make sure that they have some way of getting that notice when a storm comes about.”

Armstead also expressed his thanks to the Ala-Tom RC&D for their help in securing the funds for the radios.

“I thank you for all that you do for this community. I don’t think people understand the magnitude of what you guys do at Ala-Tom RC&D,” said Armstead. “Thank you for all of our support. The Marengo County Commission appreciates it.”