Marengo County Superintendent announces retirement

Published 12:00 pm Wednesday, December 20, 2023

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Long-time Marengo County Superintendent Luke Hallmark announced his retirement at the Dec. 14 Marengo County Board of Education meeting. Hallmark has served as superintendent since 2000.

Hallmark said he has “thought about it, and prayed about it” and has finally decided that it is time for him to step down from his position.

“You just don’t know how much it has weighed on my heart,” said Hallmark.

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Hallmark said that he will turn in his retirement letter when school resumes in January. A special called meeting of the Board on Jan. 3 will focus on the Board accepting his retirement letter, and they will plan on how to move forward.

Hallmark said that when he caught COVID-19 about three years ago, “it woke him up,” and he began contemplating retirement. However, he felt that he still had work to do for the school system and remained in the position.

“I feel like, academically, we’re very solid. I think as far as facilities, we’re in good shape,” said Hallmark. “As far as our personnel, I feel good about that. Our financial aid is good, and with the help of the Commission, we’re in the best shape we’ve been in since I became Superintendent.”

Hallmark said that he would hate to leave the school system and it “be in shambles.”

“This ship is floating well. This Board has allowed me to do what I thought was right. I haven’t done anything. It’s what you all have allowed me to do, and the people you have allowed to come into our system. That’s who has done the work,” said Hallmark. “If someone says something to me about academic success, I’m looking at the people that I hired. It’s not me, I can tell you that.”

At the time of the meeting, Hallmark said he will continue to serve as the Superintendent until Mar. 31 to allow the new Superintendent, faculty, and students time to acclimate to the change before school starts in the fall.

“I think to be fair to our kids and our administrators, we need to have someone in place at the beginning of April so they can see the teachers, administrators, and the kids. They could even help make some personnel decisions,” said Hallmark.

Hallmark said his role for the remainder of the spring semester and into the summer, would be to help the new Superintendent get the system prepared for the fall semester.

Hallmark thanked the Board for everything they have done for him, and for the support they have shown him over the years.

“Thank you all for everything you have done. I truly appreciate it,” said Hallmark.

Hallmark was born in West Point, Mississippi, and raised in Uniontown. He has been the Superintendent of Marengo County Schools for the past 23 years. Hallmark is married to the former Sarah Chandler Turned from Demopolis. They have one son, Andrew Parker.