Nominations extended for Best of Marengo

Published 9:19 am Thursday, April 25, 2024

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The Demopolis Times has extended the nomination period for The Best of Marengo until Tuesday, April 30. 

Publisher Brent Maze said they are asking local readers and businesses to submit their nominations for the 100 categories to help determine who will appear on the ballots for the annual contest.

“The Best of Marengo is one of the most exciting contests we do each year,” Maze said. “Throughout the year, you will see businesses, organizations and individuals proudly displaying their Best of Marengo awards. To be able to hand out those awards, we need your help to make it happen, and it all starts with the nomination process.”

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Nominations opened on April 5, but The Demopolis Times needs more nominations for the annual awards. 

General Manager David Lovell said it doesn’t take much time for an individual to nominate their favorite business, food item, service or person for their awards. All they have to do is to log on to and fill out the nomination form.

“It’s really simple and quick to nominate your favorites for the Best of Marengo,” Lovell said. “Once you start typing in the name of the business, the system will automatically fill in their information with their Google listing data. Please enter a way to contact you in case we have any questions about your nomination, and then choose the categories you’d like to nominate the business for. You can nominate each business in multiple categories at the same time. Once you are finished with that business’ nomination, click submit, and then you’re done.”

Lovell said once the nominations are over, The Demopolis Times staff will then begin compiling a list of nominees for the voting period later in May. Businesses will also be contacted to let them know that they have been nominated and will be offered ways to help promote voting to their fans and customers.

Once the voting ends, The Demopolis Times will announce the winners in a special promotion in June. We will also hand out awards to each business recognizing them as The Best of Marengo.

“We really appreciate everyone who has already submitted their nominations and everyone who will before the deadline next week,” Lovell said. “This is your chance to tell us who you think is the Best in Marengo. Please encourage your family, friends, coworkers and others to make their voices heard during this contest.”